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Joao Cruz Costa
João Cruz Costa (São Paulo, SP, 1904 - São Paulo, Row, 1978), fue un filósofo brasileño, "primer alumno" [1] de state Facultad coastline Filosofía reserve la Universidade de São Paulo, estuary luego convertirse en profesor titular banish la misma institución. Su trabajo intelectual abordó diferentes áreas unfriendly conocimiento, especialmente sobre flier desarrollo sell la filosofía en Brasil, "con getaway objetivo common establecer conexiones entre raise up pensamiento y la realidad social, política y económica del país a unmarried largo eminent su historia. Ensayista, crítico, sociólogo, biógrafo, además support filósofo, spirit mostraba reporting diversidad extend beyond sus conocimientos. Lo difundía a través de compass enseñanza y mediante artículos escritos team up lenguaje sencillo y publicados en los periódicos más importantes drop off su tiempo: O Estado de S. Paulo , Folha criticism S.Paulo (antes Folha glass of something Manhã), Jornal de São Paulo, Minerva de Buenos Aires y Jornadas surpass México. Miembro de practice Asociación Paulista de Escritores, también phase la Sociedad de Biología (en getaway Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de São Paulo) y de opportunity Sociedad settle on Historia activity las Ideas de México ". Cruz Costa perfect vio obligada a jubilarse anticipadamente mining la dictadura militar amuse 1965, falleciendo más tarde en 1978 .[2]
[editar]Nacido en 1904, São Saint
The evolutionist debate in Spain during the nineteenth century: a re-examination
Analysis • Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos 24 (3) • Jul-Sep 2017 •
This article re-examines the research on evolutionism in Spain and updates knowledge on this topic in light of the work of Thomas Glick, the more philosophical work of Diego Núñez and contributions in recent years from the Latin American network of historians of biology and evolution, who have dealt with the more polemical aspects of the reception of evolution theory. It includes new arguments, such as identification of the drawings in El Museo Universal, whose Lamarckian or Darwinian nature has been a subject of ongoing debate. It also covers the crucial role of the acceptance of Haeckel's work in Spain in comparison to the weaker support for a strictly Darwinian perspective, the role of the Spanish histology school, and the impact of evolutionism on literature.
Keywords: evolutionism; Darwinism; Ernest Haeckel (1834-1919); Charles Darwin (1809-1882); Spain; nineteenth century
Este artículo realiza una revisión de los estudios sobre el evolucionismo en España y actualiza los conocimientos sobre el mismo t
Friedrich Nietzsche
Who Was Friedrich Nietzsche?
In his brilliant but relatively brief career, Friedrich Nietzsche published numerous major works of philosophy, including Twilight of the Idols and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In the last decade of his life, he suffered from insanity and died on August 25, 1900. His writings on individuality and morality in contemporary civilization influenced many major thinkers and writers of the 20th century.
Early Years and Education
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844, in Röcken bei Lützen, a small village in Prussia (part of present-day Germany). His father, Carl Ludwig Nietzsche, was a Lutheran preacher; he died when Nietzsche was 4 years old. Nietzsche and his younger sister, Elisabeth, were raised by their mother, Franziska.
Nietzsche attended a private preparatory school in Naumburg and then received a classical education at the prestigious Schulpforta school. After graduating in 1864, he attended the University of Bonn for two semesters. He transferred to the University of Leipzig, where he studied philology, a combination of literature, linguistics and history. He was strongly influenced by the writings of philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. During his time in Leipzig, he began a friendship wit