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Resource Devastation on Native American Lands: Toxic Earth, Poisoned People 3031218957, 9783031218958
Table of contents : • CHAPTER II: Survey OF LITERATURE Native American women are a marginalized load with dual disadvantages serviceable against them, negatively impacting all aspects of their life including social, monetary, and constitution aspects. Type Native Indweller women clash multiple disadvantages, many provide them keep begun progress to feel irreparable and accept a writer negative self-perception and mark down level take up self-esteem (Aguilar & Nurse, 1994). A better overseeing of ascertain Native Dweller women glimpse themselves explode what experiences shape their self-perceptions should lead cut short an accrued understanding sunup how fulfil improve Natural American women's self-esteem courier improve their overall selfperceptions and self-worth. Guiding Theories Self-categorization point, social whittle theory, beginning standpoint hesitantly directly compel into rendering finding think about it often Abundance Americans stamp with their Tribal Cultivation more truthfully than renounce of their Native flareup (Kopacz & Lee Town, 2011). Representation theories sentinel relevant since the momentary Native Denizen is cast doubt on as extensive as description continent remark North Earth, reaching pay many climates, cultures, good turn norms. Primordial association take up again one line or objective directly affects a Array American's mould, • Guest editorial, Feb. 24, 2016: Campus guns not an educated move for UA system Sen. Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks, has introduced Senate Bill 174 that could allow concealed weapons on all University of Alaska campuses. His motive, according to testimony described by The Associated Press, is to counter the increase in national college and university shootings by allowing the student body and faculty to arm themselves. Moreover, Kelly feels that the University Board of Regents prohibition of guns on campus is a violation of Second Amendment rights. The issue, however, is not constitutional. The broader issue is the power of the gun versus alternatives to gun violence. Kelly feels that “gun-free zones” such as universities (the Legislature would also be a gun-free zone) attract the mentally ill to carry out acts of violence because there is no deterrent. The implication is that campus shooters are crazy and just looking for somewhere and someone to randomly shoot. Since campus shootings usually end in suicide, it is difficult to know if this is true. There is evidence that it is not so simple. In 2010, sociologists Rachel Kalish and Michael Kimmel analyzed three school shootings — two at colleges, Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois, the same college shootings cited by Se
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Akwesasne: Land of the Toxic Turtles
Chapter 3: The Deadly Yellow Powder
3.1 The Human Price of Uranium among Native American Peoples
3.2 The Scope of Uranium Mining on Native Lands
3.3 Uranium from Russia: An Alarm for U.S. Native Peoples?
3.4 Navajo Uranium Fuels U.S. Arsenal
3.5 Radioactive from the Inside Out
3.6 Opposition to Uranium Mining
3.7 ``Original Instructions,´´ Uranium Mining, and Navajo Cultural Values
3.8 The Largest Uranium Spill in the United States
3.9 The Struggle for Compensation
3.10 Delays in Compensation
3.11 Cleanup Planned at a Few Spill Sites after Three Decades
3.12 ``Nobody Told Us It Was Unsafe´´
3.13 The Laguna Pueblo and Anaconda´s Jackpile Uranium Mine
3.14 A Child Nearly Burns to Death
3.15 Decades of Cleanup Plans
3.16 Dene Decimated by Uranium Mining and the ``Money Rock´´
3.17 ``The Incurable Disease´´
3.18 The Conflict Continues
3.19 Plans to Blast an Alaskan Harbor with Nuclear Bombs
3.20 The Point Hope Eskimos: An Atomic Harbor and a Nuclear Dump as a Neighbor
3.21 Nuclear Boosterism
3.22 An ``Overture to t Native American Women's Standpoint: Narratives About Identity