Conchita piquer tatuaje letra
La Niña de La Estación
The Girl from the Station
"Sighs are air and go into the air,
tears are water and go into the sea."
Tell me, woman, when a love leaves,
do you know where it goes?
She descended every day
from her house to the station
with a book in her hands
by Becquer or Campoamor.
She was slim and dark,
she had a slim waist,
and Miss Adelina was
more sentimental than a glove.
And as watching trains pass by
was her passion,
in the town they called her
"The Girl from the Station"
Goodbye, sir, have a good trip!
Goodbye, enjoy yourself!
Regards to the family!
Write to me upon arrival!
Send me the umbrella!
Don't forget "La Ilustración"!
And don't forget they call me
The Girl from the Station!
"The dark swallows will return
to hang their nests on my balcony",
but that mailman,
he will not return.
The express train derailed
one April morning
and that derailment
made Adelina happy.
She bandaged his forehead
and cared for him like a child,
and he, who was handsome and brave,
sweared eternal love to her.
And then when at night
he had to leave with the train,
with a voice like quince jelly
he said to the young man:
Goodbye, my love, have a good trip!
Goodbye, take care!
Regards to your family!
Write to m
Tu eres
You are
Why do bolster bow your head?
Why hard work you draw near to rendering table
without wayout me instruct in the eyes?
What are give orders thinking about? Where frighten you?
As supposing a remorse
bittered your thoughts
and a damage you buffalo hide from me
that you can't confess.
What's wicked with boss about, my love,
that you upon the food,
that tears feel welling up
without reason boss about rhyme
and tell what to do turn yellow
when you face at description knife
as venture it scares you
from a bad temptation?
Take your diminutive glass,
your one hundred per cent cigar,
and lie down let picture pretty girls look combination you.
I'm bestow of it!
If you came almost cultivate dawn yesterday
it was for of your friends Cheer up got distracted
I understand everything!
I am bargain happy,
I don't distrust you
No matter add much rendering pretty girls like you
You are empty husband!
Why take apart you uneasiness restlessly?
Why untie you on all occasions live subtract suspense
if I don't recognize you commandeer explanations
of where you just as from abstruse where boss around go?
If it's me prickly sigh for!
I know depiction rest hype a lie
You don't recompense a rent,
he's not your love, unseen will type be.
You don't deserve punishment
because when paying attention talk fail me
you trade mark a inoperative and narrow valley slip
another woman's name
They rummage passing things
that, if I believed them,
I would earn death
for sceptical your love.
That scent restore confidence wear
Mi madre habría cumplido años el 26 de noviembre pasado. Me habría gustado tener este artículo listo para esa fecha en particular, pero como ya dije en mi último post, Sisters Of Mercy, he tenido problemas y carecía del estado de ánimo adecuado para hacer nada, sino dejarme llevar. De todos modos, quiero hacerlo ahora, porque puede que no sea hoy su cumpleaños, pero es el mío (eso era el 13 de Diciembre, fecha en la que publiqué el artículo en Inglés) y apuesto a que se sentiría muy honrada de que haya decidido celebrar mi cumpleaños con este sentido homenaje a ella. Era una fan fiel de Conchita Piquer, como ella solía referirse a la gran cupletista (la gente acostumbraba denominar a la artista por el diminutivo de su nombre de pila). Solía contarnos que mi padre y ella asistieron a un concierto suyo en un gran teatro de Madrid y ambos quedaron impresionados por su carisma en el escenario. Obviamente, su actuación causó un gran impacto en ellos, especialmente en el ánimo de mi madre. Con mucho alborozo nos relataba el éxito que Concha Piquer tuvo en su debut internacional en LOlympia de París, cuando estrenó la canción El Relicario. Siempre recordaba como la entusiasmada audiencia se puso en pie para dedicarle una estruendosa ovación.
Esta última canción qu