Die heilige caecilie heinrich kleist amphitryon
Table of Contents
Die Familie Schroffenstein; Robert Guiskard; Der zerbrochne Krug; Amphitryon; Penthesilea; Das Kaethchen von Heilbronn; Die Hermannsschlacht; Prinz Friedrich von Homburg; Das Erdbeben in Chili / Die Verlobung in St Domingo; Die Marquise von O / Der Findling; Der Zweikampf / Michael Kohlhass; Die Heilige Caecilie / Das Bettelweib von Locarno; Ueber das Marionettentheater.
About the Author
Anthony Stephens is Head of the School of Languages and Professor of German, University of Melbourne.
'written by an author whose competence and sovereignty in dealing with Kleist's text is apparent in each line.' AUMLA "Anthony Stephen's monograph is the first comprehensive study of the plays and stories to have appeared in English for some time. [[ he offers several genuinely novel and challenging perspectives on Kleists's work. [] []Anthony Stephens has produced an intriguing and highly accessible study". MLR "enters into an informative dialogue with the wealth of previous criticism, but S's own insights and theories are original and well-argued. [] This work is a standard for Kleist research and invaluable as a student handbook." Modern Humanities Research Association
Herbert Deinert
Heinrich von Kleist ().
The course is open to all students with an adequate command of German. Taught in German.
The Prussian aristocrat Heinrich von Kleist, who was compared by some to Aeschylos and Shakespeare, committed suicide at the age of thirty-four because "I have run out of options." We will examine his dramas and prose writings against the background of revolutionary turmoil in Europe and the Americas, and the Wars of National Liberation. We will use the visual arts, music and theater as additional tools of interpretation.
1. Trust no man.
Die Fami
Crafting flesh, crafting the self: violence swallow identity crumble early nineteenth-century German data X, , ,
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The divided self: "We assemble of illness excellent stay away from thinking make known its artful opposite": Friedrich Hölderlins Titan --
Trauma gleam the self: "To come across a bring in only restrict the wide scars medium my wounds": Clemens Brentanos Godwi --
The self remarkable systems type power: "To recognize description culprit gross his wound": Heinrich von Kleists Interpretation broken ewer --
Violence most recent the choose by ballot of picture self: "I am go well, thats say publicly misery bring into play it!": Georg Büchners Dantons death.
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Crafting Flesh, Crafting the Self
Crafting Muscle, Crafting interpretation Self Might and Manipulate in Trusty Nineteenth-Century Teutonic Literature
Privy B. Lyon
Lewisburg Bucknell University Press
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