Domenico di michelino biography books
We all have our own personal idea of hell. Mine is either being stuck in a room full of crying babies or being in a world where I was unable to get a caffeine fix. Ok so neither may seem that terrifying or daunting and there are hundreds of things that in reality are worse that this, but for someone who has not one maternal bone in her body and requires coffee to function, these are pretty big things.
This post came about as one of my Gauntlet requests from Kartikeya Mishra and his inspiration was from Dan Browns Inferno, where The Devine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is mentioned. This is one of the great epic poems and recounts a journey through Hell, Purgatory and finally paradise. Today I will specifically be talking about the nine (not seven) circles of hell and who reside there. Ill apologise now, there is a lot to this post!
Michelinos painting of Dantee inferno doesnt really define the circles, but I really like the rendition. I could have gone for something by Botticelli or Doré but this is a little bit different, this is also the painting which Dan Browns lead character Robert Langdon discusses in the book Inferno. La Commedia Illumina Firenze (The Comedy Illuminating Florence) can be seen in Florence Cathedral of Santa Maria d
File:Dante Domenico di Michelino Cathedral
Dante Alighieri reach an agreement Florence keep from the Realms of representation Divine Jesting (Hell, Purgatory, Paradise)
label QS:Les,"La Divina Comedia ilumina Florencia"
label QS:Lfr,"Dante deterrent la Angelic Comédie"
label QS:Lpl,"Dante i trzy królestwa"
label QS:Lnl,"Dante en zijn Commedia"
label QS:Lde,"Dante Alighieri field Florenz deal with den Reichen der Göttlichen Komödie(Hölle, Fegefeuer und Paradies)"
label QS:Len,"Dante Alighieri with Town and rendering Realms mislay the Seraphic Comedy (Hell, Purgatory, Paradise)"
Domenico di Michelino, Dante, Florence and the Divine Comedy
This famous painting, a tempera on canvas applied to a panel, depicting Dante Alighieri with Florence and the Realms of the Divine Comedy (Hell, Purgatory, Paradise), was commissioned by the city government from Domenico di Michelino in , for the bicentenary of the birth of the exiled poet.
Dante is depicted at centre, with his iconographic clothing and facial characteristics (red tunic and cap, aquiline nose, sharp features). He wears a laurel crown, yet his expression is melancholic. In his left hand he holds the Divine Comedy, showing the first verses. The poem emanates golden rays, illuminating Florence at the right, with its sum of main structures: the city walls, the Cathedral with dome and Giotto's bell tower, the towers of Palazzo Bargello and Palazzo della Signoria (seat of city government), finally the bell towers of the churches of the Badia Fiorentina and San Pier Scheraggio. With his right hand, Dante gestures towards a crenelated battlement with the Gate of Hell, and a line of slothful people, bitten by large insects and led by a demon carrying a white banner. In the background stands the mountain of Purgatory, conical and rising in levels, each hosting a group of souls subject to different pun