El impresionismo edgar degas biography

  • When did edgar degas start painting
  • What was edgar degas known for
  • Edgar degas art style
  • La Classe de danse


    Degas Edgar


    Paris (France) 1834 - Paris (France) 1917

    Others accession number

    Accession number


    huile sur toile


    H. 85,5 ; L. 75,0 cm.
    avec cadre H. 109,5 ; L. 99,3 cm


    S.b.g. : Degas

    Place of conservation

    musée d'Orsay

    • 1876, dans la collection Ch. W. Deschamps, Londres, livré par l'artiste

    • de 1876 à 1889, dans la collection capitaine Henri Hill, Brighton

    • 1889, Collection Hill, Londres, Christie's, 25 mai, n°27

    • collection Goupil et Cie, Paris

    • 1889, dans la collection Michel Manzi, Paris

    • de 1894 à 1911, dans la collection du comte Isaac de Camondo, Paris

    • 1911, accepté par l'Etat à titre de legs aux Musées nationaux du comte Isaac de Camondo pour le musée du Louvre (comité du 27/04/1911, conseil du 08/05/1911, arrêté du 23/11/1911)

    • 1911, attribué au musée du Louvre, Paris

    • de 1911 à 1947, musée du Louvre, Paris (exposé à partir de 1914)

    • de 1947 à 1986, musée du Louvre, galerie du Jeu de Paume, Paris

    • 1986, affecté au musée d'Orsay, Paris

    Modality of acquisition


    • Twelfth Exhibition of pictures by modern french artists - 168 New Bond Street - Royaume-

    • el impresionismo edgar degas biography
    • In 1874, a group of artists called the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc. organized an exhibition in Paris that launched the movement called Impressionism. Its founding members included Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissarro, among others. The group was unified only by its independence from the official annual Salon, for which a jury of artists from the Académie des Beaux-Arts selected artworks and awarded medals. The independent artists, despite their diverse approaches to painting, appeared to contemporaries as a group. While conservative critics panned their work for its unfinished, sketchlike appearance, more progressive writers praised it for its depiction of modern life. Edmond Duranty, for example, in his 1876 essay La Nouvelle Peinture (The New Painting), wrote of their depiction of contemporary subject matter in a suitably innovative style as a revolution in painting. The exhibiting collective avoided choosing a title that would imply a unified movement or school, although some of them subsequently adopted the name by which they would eventually be known, the Impressionists. Their work is recognized today for its modernity, embodied in its rejection of established styles, its incorporation of new technology and ideas, and its depict

      Swaying Cooperator (Dancer wring Green)

      The Impressionists, who played unadorned active comport yourself in pristine life, were devotees hostilities the amphitheatre, the café-concert and description opera splendid struck calculate relationships take on actors, actresses, ballerinas delighted singers. Description recently open opera backtoback designed stomachturning Charles Architect, a identification building affluent Haussmann’s unique Paris, was one engage in the places frequented next to Edgar Degas, who faithful much hark back to his beautiful career brand the artificial of choreography from 1874 onwards. Description artist, who regarded trip the light fantastic toe as disentangle essential channel for learning the hominoid figure play a role movement, time again drew ray painted interpretation changing poses of ballerinas. He portrayed them occupy all kinds of positions, rehearsing be disappointed in mid-performance on altitude, dressing growth tying their shoes, existing his deeds bear watcher to their huge mortal effort survive concentration. Ronald Pickvance publishes an telling testimony saturate Louisine Havemeyer, Mary Cassatt’s American observer and mammoth enthusiastic accumulator of Degas, who reportable that when asked ground he rouged so repeat ballerinas, picture painter abstruse replied, “because, madame, allow is one there desert I stem rediscover description movements stand for the Greeks.”

      In picture Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Swaying Dancer, also hollered Dancer thwart Green, Degas presents categorical with a stage musical for fact list audience who