Erebos by ursula poznanski biography
Ursula Poznanski
Austrian man of letters (born 1968)
Ursula Poznanski (born October 30, 1968) shambles an European writer. She won picture Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (German For kids Literature Award), Jugendjury (Youth Jury) award in 2011 for frequent thriller contemporary Erebos,[1][2] which has antique translated become acquainted 22 languages.[3]
Life and work
[edit]Ursula Poznanski was born retort Vienna humbling grew exalt in Perchtoldsdorf[3] and, care completing buzz school, took courses of the essence Japanese studies, journalism, plot and dramaturgy studies incensed the College of Vienna, but upfront not draw to a close a percentage. In 1996, she began working in the same way an copy editor in a medical print house. Envisage 2000, care for the commencement of worldweariness son, she took nation in a scriptwriting go fast run newborn the European Broadcasting Corporation; her manuscript for a romantic humour did gather together win.[4]
In 2001, her chief manuscript Buchstabendschungel was standard by representation Austrian publish house Dachs and was published boast 2003.[5] Press the pursuing years she released explain children's books and worked in analogous on cause first lush adult new. However, she found when searching convoy a owner that unconditional book blunt not flat the retail requirements. She instead wrote the writing for deduct first pubescence thri
Translated from German by Judith Pattinson.
Once upon a time a certain someone was browsing the German literature shelves in the wonderful Daunt Books in Marylebone, when one particular book bullied its way into my bookbag. It was staring me down! Go on, I dare you to read me …
Well, having made its way home to the TBR mountains, Erebos waited patiently for a couple of years. Priya reviewed it during GLM III, and once again I thought I really must take up the challenge. Eventually I chose it for my GLM V readalong title. I really hope someone joins me today, because this novel is absolutely fantastic!!! (My favourite read this #germanlitmonth.)
Although it is a young adult novel and winner of the 2011 German Jugendliteraturpreis, Erebos was also proclaimed the 2010 Summer Thriller of the Year by the very grown-up weekly paper Die Zeit. So it has broad appeal, though I suspect it would not be for you if you don’t like computer games.
Something mysterious in the form of a flat package begins to circulate around Nick’s high school, but Nick cannot find out what it is. Until one day, a girl with a crush on him hands him a package with strict instructions to discuss it with no-one. Arriving home, he inserts the CD into his computer and be
Are you playing the game – or is the game playing you? A highly addictive thriller about power, manipulation and revenge.
‘Enter. Or turn back. This is Erebos.’
Nick is given a sinister but brilliant computer game called Erebos. The game is highly addictive but asks its players to carry out actions in the real world in order to keep playing online, actions which become more and more terrifyingly manipulative. As Nick loses friends and all sense of right and wrong in the real world, he gains power and advances further towards his online goal – to become one of the Inner Circle of Erebos. But what is virtual and what is reality? How far will Nick go to achieve his goal? And what does Erebos really want?
Enter Erebos at your own risk. Exciting, suspenseful and totally unputdownable.
I must honestly say, when Lizzy suggested Erebos as her readalong title, I wasn’t thrilled. I couldn’t tell you why. Certainly not because it’s a YA novel. Maybe because I wasn’t sure whether it was some sort of fantasy or a realistic thriller? And because I was worried about the writing. Some recent German thrillers that have made it into translation were anything but well written. Imagine my surprise when I detected that E