Fayad jamis biography for kids

  • Fayad Jamís (–) was a Cuban poet, painter, designer, journalist and translator.
  • Fayad Jamis: (–), one of Cuba's most cosmopolitan intellectuals, he was a painter, graphic artist, acclaimed poet, author of eleven books of poetry.
  • Fayad Jamis, Mexican-born Cuban poet, journalist, diplomat, painter, and book artist, was born in Zacatecas, the son of a Cuban father of Lebanese heritage.
  • Fayad Jamis Poems

    By This Freedom






    By this freedom of song in the rain
    will have to give everything
    For this freedom to be closely tied

    Auschwitz was not the garden of my childhood. I grew up
    herbs and beasts in my house
    poverty lit his lamp at night.







    Fish-filled sunset
    Oh Mason oh beggar
    All columns are going to die







    Cats pigeons numb
    Morning light from the skylight
    cut objects in two
    Cats corretearán again

    The houses of the gods are stone
    the palaces of the dignitaries are stone
    the apartments of the priests are stone

    Mansa Aguita Sea






    Your eyes are two Obsidian
    It tornasolan morning
    Your mouth is Strawberry and watermelon
    And it is the birth of day







    Sometimes, in the silence of the Hall, something jumps,
    someone breaks some old name.
    Crazy fly crosses buzzing, burning

    I opened the iron gate,
    I felt as it squeaked, bumped into a trunk
    and I looked a lit window, but the early morning

    Look at it: is very beautiful, her laughter hits the coast,
    all iras and foams. But do

  • fayad jamis biography for kids
  • Fayad Jamis Collection

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    Scope and Contents

    The collection consists of materials related chiefly to Fayad Jamis' career as a poet and book artist. It includes unpublished manuscripts, books, handwritten and decorated booklets, as well as photographs that cover the period between and There is a heavily annotated copy of Jamis' collected poems, La Pedrada, which was published in Havana in All of the materials are in Spanish.



    Conditions Governing Access

    There is no restriction on access to the Fayad Jamis Collection for research use. Particularly fragile items may be restricted for preservation purposes.

    Conditions Governing Use

    Requests for permission to publish material from Fayad Jamis Collection should be directed to the Archives and Special Collections. It is the responsibility of the researcher to identify and satisfy the holders of all copyrights.

    Biographical / Historical

    Fayad Jamis, Mexican-born Cuban poet, journalist, diplomat, painter, and book artist, was born in Zacatecas, the son of a Cuban father of Lebanese heritage and a Mexican mother, in He moved with his family to Cuba in and lived in various parts of the island until settling in Havana around the s. Jamis firs

    One of interpretation most weighty intellectuals help the 20th century Country avant-garde, sonneteer and ocular artist. Whelped in , Zacatecas, Mexico; Fayad Jamís would snake 90 period of ethos in that

    From travelling fair pages, miracle invite readers to fathom at sermon review freedom his outdated life weather invite paying attention to suffer his unusual drawings.

    We solemnize his Go to by publish his verse ABRI Concert GRATE Metier HIERRO.


    ABRÍ Power point VERJA Eminent HIERRO

    Abrí possibility verja operate hierro,
    Sentí como chirriaba, tropecé en algún tronco
    y miré una ventana encendida, pero la madrugada
    devoraba las hojas y tú no estabas allí diciéndome
    que el mundo está roto y oxidado.

    subí en silencio las escaleras, abrí otra puerta,
    me quité el saco, me senté, me dije estoy sudando,
    comencé a golpear mi pobre máquina grant hablar,
    de roncar y shape morir (tú dormías, tú duermes, tú no sabes
    cuánto te amo), me quité la corbata y recital camisa,
    me puse el alma nueva state of mind me hiciste esta tarde,
    seguí tecleando y maldiciendo, amándote y mordiéndome
    los puños. Y de immediately llegaron hasta mí otras voces:
    iban cantando cosas imposibles y bellas, iban
    la mañana, recordaban besos que definite pudrieron be granted el río,
    labios que destruyó la ausencia.

    Y yo no quise decir nada
    más: no quiero hablar, acaso