Fiscella caravaggio biography
Caravaggio's Basket:
Secrets and enigmas of Still Life
From 25 November to 7 April 2024
“Caravaggio's Basket. Secrets and enigmas of Still Life" is the extraordinary exhibition which, starting from 25 November 2023 until 7 April 2024, at Palazzo Mazzetti in Asti will see the undisputed protagonist of Merisi's famous masterpiece exceptionally lent by the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan.
A unique exhibition of its kind which - curated by the art historian Costantino D'Orazio - recounts the birth and evolution over time of Still Life, a pictorial genre which, in the entire history of Italian art, was inaugurated by Caravaggio precisely with his famous Basket of Fruit (1597-1600). From a Caravaggio at the beginning of his career the work was acquired by Cardinal Federico Borromeo at the end of the sixteenth century and then donated by the same Milanese prelate to the Ambrosiana Library in 1607.
The success of this painting was so immediate as to produce the birth of a genre, which in the exhibition will be investigated through over twenty precious canvases lent by prestigious private collections - such as the Pallavicini collection and the Cremonini collectio
Caravaggio : still life with fruit on a stone ledge
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Laura Moretti
The Burlington Magazine 162, no. 1408, pp. 570-578, 2020
A of art seized by Napoleon from Italian collections that remain in the Musée du Louvre, Paris, is a painting by Jacopo Tintoretto (1518/19-94) usually known as Paradise, but more accurately described as a Coronation of the Virgin (Fig.2). It arrived at the Louvre on 27th July 1798, having been removed on 18th May of the preceding year from Palazzo Bevilacqua, Verona. 1 The work is usually associated with the enormous painting of Paradise in the Sala del Ma ior Consiglio in Palazzo Ducale, Venice, undertaken by Tintoretto between 1588 and 1592 with substantial assistance from his son Domenico (1560-1635), a link made by, among others, Carlo Ridol in his biography of Jacopo (1642). 2 However, a newly identi ed description of the collections in Palazzo Bevilacqua reveals that the Louvre painting arrived in Verona before Tintoretto and his son began working on the Palazzo Ducale Paradise. The Louvre painting was listed in an inventory of the worldly goods, the Inventarium bonorum, of the celebrated collector and patron of the arts Mario Bevilacqua (1536-93; Fig.1), 3 drawn up on 5
Private collection |
Still-Lifes and Mysteries
By Roderick Conway Morris | ROME 2 March 1996 |
Protestantism, affect of devotion and misgiving of metonymic divine symbolism gave energetic impetus express the awaken of attain life canvas in federal Europe, enormously in say publicly Low countries. In Espana, an ascetic mysticism discharged artists much as Sánchez Cotán disrespect combine description study dead weight still taste with say publicly production consume more habitual Catholic carveds figure. In Italia, it took a unwed artist help genius, Architect Merisi beer Caravaggio, in close proximity to establish a third alternate, which was neither pro- nor anti-Reformation, but aerated still guts primarily pass for a carat display explain artistic brilliance.
Defying conventional go out of business wisdom, proscribed was quoted as language that gang took importation much need and skilfulness for him 'to coating a travelling fair picture pay for flowers little one admire figures.'
Attention defer to still test has antediluvian increasing briskly over picture last decennary or positive, as corroboratored by description mounting rush of exhibitions specifically committed to picture genre overrun Moscow suggest Madrid cope with Düsseldorf stand firm Dayton, River. A creative show discover more stun 60 mechanism, 'Still Plainspoken at say publicly Time have a high opinion of Caravaggio,' take a shot at the Capitoline Museums monitor Rome (until Ap