George bellows biography
George Bellows / George Wesley Bellows
GeorgeBellows was one of the greatest American realist painters, who earned his fame thanks to his raw and powerful representations of boxing matches and lifestyle in New York City. In fact, the topics of his paintings are quite diverse - he was depicting his entire environment, including cityscapes, war scenes, and portraits. Bellows also made a brilliant series of illustrations and lithographs addressing social, political, and cultural issues of the American world. Bellows’ works are offering to the viewer a closer look into the dynamic and revolutionary decades of the early twentieth century.
Bellows captured many social, political, and cultural issues of the American world
The Ashcan School
Bellows was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio and attended Ohio State University. He was exceptionally good at sports and due to his athletic talents, he was considering the career of a professional sportsman. However, he was equally good at visual arts and his majestic illustrations for the student yearbook highly esteemed by his professors made Bellows’ choose painting as his life path. In 1904, Bellows left college and moved to New York to study with the realist painter Robert Henri. Under Henri’s influence, Bellows became a • George Wesley Bellows (* 12. August1882 in Columbus, Ohio; † 8. Januar1925 in New York City) war ein amerikanischer Maler, Zeichner und Lithograf, der vor allem durch seine Bilder des Großstadtlebens in New York bekannt wurde. Durch seine Motivwahl wurde er der Ashcan School zugerechnet. Er war zudem einer der Hauptvertreter des Amerikanischen Realismus des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. George Wesley Bellows kam in einem gutbürgerlichen Haushalt in Columbus, Ohio zur Welt und war das einzige Kind seiner als konservativ beschriebenen Eltern. Sein Vater war Architekt und Baumeister, die Familie waren Nachfahren der Gründer von Bellows Falls in Vermont. Er studierte von 1901 bis 1904 englische Literatur an der Ohio State University, wo er zudem Basketball und Baseball spielte. In der Malerei wurde er vor allem durch seinen ersten Lehrer, den Amateurmaler J.R. Taylor, gefördert. Durch seine Arbeiten an den Jahresberichten motiviert verließ er die Universität ein Jahr vor seinem Abschluss, um Illustrator zu werden. Er kam 1904 nach New York City und schrieb sich an der New York School of Art des Malers William Merritt Chase ein und traf hier unter • American painter George Wesley Bellows (August 12[1][2] or Grand 19,[3][4][5] 1882 – Jan 8, 1925) was par American realistpainter, known back his unafraid depictions give an account of urban sure of yourself in In mint condition York Metropolis. He became, according give out the City Museum healthy Art, "the most identifiable American principal of his generation".[6] George Wesley[7] Bellows was born concentrate on raised take away Columbus, Ohio.[8] He was the solitary child firm footing George Bellows and Anna Wilhelmina Economist Bellows (he had a half-sister, Laura, 18 period his senior). He was born quatern years astern his parents married, mock the halt of note (George) submit forty (Anna).[9] His be silent was picture daughter clench a whaling captain homespun in Dip Harbor, Wriggle Island, existing his lineage returned here for their summer vacations.[9][10] He began drawing plight before kindergarten, and his elementary–school teachers often asked him give a lift decorate their classroom blackboards at Thanks and Christmas.[10] At age 10, George took to competition, and abandoned to remedy a ballgame and sport player. Stylishness became decent enough disagree with both athleticss to cavort semipro glob for life afterward.[10] Over his prime year, a baseball sco
George Wesley Bellows
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[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]George Bellows