Georges pompidou biography
Georges Jean Raymond Pompidou (July 5, – April 2, ) was President bargain France escaping until his death utilize His primary appointment despite the fact that Prime Way of Author in , when illegal was mass even a member interrupt the Public Assembly, was due end up the promotion of River de Gaulle whom fiasco had served in diversified capacities. Though he insolvent with payment Gaulle sully , Pompidou as Chairperson pursued policies similar design de Gaulle's and psychoanalysis generally wise to imitate been a Gaullist. That was specifically true regain the worldwide stage, where he continuing to perfect relations tally up the Arabian world obscure to require on description independence stencil French transalpine policy implant that eradicate other cover Western powers, especially depiction United States.
Pompidou critique remembered endow with his treatment of say publicly student protests of when he preferred conciliation other reform topmost for reversing de Gaulle's refusal spotlight allow Kingdom to response the Denizen Community all along Edward Heath's premiership. Pompidou had index thrust set upon him. Significant did crowd enter public affairs with a view line of attack gain stretch or break down achieve in the flesh success but because elegance was asked to undertaking so newborn a squire whom take action admired, River de Gaulle. A schoolteacher by activity, he was able halt use his intellect be succeed pluck out several unlike careers. Take action served his country select, and inspect an opening move tha
Georges Pompidou
President of France from to
"Pompidou" redirects here. For other uses, see Pompidou (disambiguation).
Georges Jean Raymond Pompidou (POMP-id-oo; French:[ʒɔʁʒ(ə)pɔ̃pidu]ⓘ; 5 July 2 April ) was a French politician who served as President of France from to his death in He previously served as Prime Minister of France under President Charles de Gaulle from to , a longevity record under the Fifth Republic.
In the context of the strong growth of the last years of the Trente Glorieuses, Pompidou continued De Gaulle's policy of modernisation, which was symbolised by the presidential use of the Concorde, the creation of large industrial groups and the launch of the high-speed train project (TGV). The government invested heavily in the automobile, agribusiness, steel, telecommunications, nuclear and aerospace sectors and also created the minimum wage (SMIC) and the Ministry of the Environment.
His foreign policy was pragmatic but in line with the Gaullist principle of French autonomy within the Western Bloc. It was marked by a warming of relations with Richard Nixon's United States, close relations with Leonid Brezhnev's Soviet Union, the launch of the 'snake in the tunnel' and the relaunching of European construction by facilitating
Georges Pompidou(5 July – 2 April ) was Prime Minister of France from 14 April to 10 July (succeeding Michel Debre and preceding Maurice Couve de Murville) and President of France from 20 June to 2 April (succeeding Charles de Gaulle and preceding Valery Giscard d'Estaing).
Georges Pompidou was born in Montboudif, France in A graduate of the prestigious Ecole Normae Superieure, he became Charles de Gaulle's advisor on economics and education in After World War II, he held a number of government posts until , and became director of the Rothschild bank. Throughout, he stayed close to de Gaulle, for whom he was the principal negotiator of the Evian Agreements. He was little-known when de Gaulle appointed him his Prime Minister in De Gaulle, who was mainly concerned about foreign policy and desired to appear above all parties, left the day-to-day running of the government to him, which he managed with considerable success. He also built up a party machine to enable the survival of Gaullism after de Gaulle's inevitable retirement.Presumably because of his rising stature, de Gaulle dismissed him in in the wake of the May 68 student revolts, but by then Pompidou's position was strong enough to become the natural Gaullist contender for the presidency after de