Hisham abbas biography of martin

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  • Biography Wing

    A | B | C | D | Attach | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

    Aaronsohn, Aaron
    Aaronsohn, Sarah
    Abalia, Isaac
    Abravanel, Patriarch Don
    Abarbanell, Lina
    Abbas (Abu Mazen), Mahmoud
    Abbas, Mohammed
    Abdelwahhab, Khaled
    Abdul, Paula
    Abdul Aziz, King bin
    Abdul Aziz, Faisal bin
    Abdul Aziz, Khalid bin
    Abdul Aziz, Saud bin
    Abdullah I, King
    Abdalraziq, Hisham
    Abécassis, Eliette
    Abed Rabbo (Abu Bashar), Yasser
    Abella, Rosalie Silberman
    Aberlin, Rachel
    Abishag representation Shunammite
    Abrabanel, Abravanel
    Abrabanel, Benvenida
    Abrabanel, Judah
    Abraham, S. Daniel
    Abrahams, Harold
    Abramovich, Roman
    Abramowicz, Dina
    Abrams, Cal
    Abrams, Elliott
    Judah Abravanel, Isaac ben
    Abrikosov, Alexei A.
    Abu Amr, Ziad
    Abu Bakr “al Siddiq”
    Abu Nidal
    Abu Salah, Abdul Karim
    Abulafia, Patriarch ben Samuel
    Abulafia, Meir
    Abuksis, Yossef
    Meir Abulafia, Prophet ben
    Joseph HaLevi Abulafia, Todros ben
    Judah HaLevi Abulafia, Todros ben
    Abzug, Bella
    Açan, Moses Holiday Tarrega
    Ackerman, Gary
    Ackerman, Paula Herskovitz
    Adams, Hannah
    Adelson, Sheldon and Miriam
    Adelstein-Rozeanu, Angelica
    Adler, Alfred
    Adler, Cyrus
    Adler, Dankmar
    Adler, Felix
    Adler, Jacob
    Adler, John
    Adler, Nathan
    Adler, Polly
    Adler, Renata
    Adler, Stella

  • hisham abbas biography of martin

    Minaam Abbas

    • Alumni
    • Pakistan
    • PhD Pathology
    • St John's College

    Minaam Abbas

    • Alumni
    • Pakistan
    • PhD Pathology
    • St John's College

    The diverse and innovative realms of biomedical sciences and healthcare captured my imagination since my days at Karachi Grammar School. As I commenced my medical training at Cambridge, I was astounded by the complex collection of molecular machines and networks that formed an unlikely, harmonious cooperative: the human body. I periodically satiated my curiosity with research projects exploring proteins involved in cancer metastasis and novel prognostic tests for chronic liver disease. At Caltech, I also investigated human neural reference frames in Brain Machine Interfaces. This inspired a Part II in Neuroscience, which gradually revealed the dearth of approved medications for neural tumours. This burning necessity drove me to cofound a cancer therapeutics and drug delivery bio-startup, angioClast, which is developing a sophisticated treatment strategy for vascularised tumours. As an MB/PhD student, I hope to study the cryptic world of RNA and DNA modifications at the Kouzarides Lab. This hitherto unexplored field has groundbreaking implications for future therapeutics. During this program, I also hope to furt

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