Michael bosanko light painting ideas
Michael Bosanko | Interview
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What is so brilliant about Michael’s work is the detail that goes into each piece he creates. Using tools that are simple as torches and light sticks, Michael creates ‘light art’; a technique that involves very long exposures, and a whole lot of patience. For each photograph, Michael often plans his idea and how he will construct the piece. Using different coloured lights, torches, glow sticks, a tripod, and of course, a camera; he begins to ‘paint’ his image. What results is an array of light streaks that form together to create a ‘light painting’. Below, we chat to Michael about how he begun his career as a photographer, and how he developed his style.
Hi there Michael how are you?
I’m very well. Thanks for asking.
Tell us a bit about yourself…
Not sure where to start. Professionally, I’m a light artist and photographer. I also write articles for various media predominantly in the world of photography. In my spare time, I hit the coast, or cook vegetarian meals. I was born in Wales, UK, and it is currently where I reside.
When were you ‘photographically born’?
My photographic roots are hard to pin down. I have always loved photography. I guess it
Michael Bosanko
Light painting photographer Michael Bosanko has been capturing light since 2004. He discovered light painting on accident, Michael says this of his moment of discovery, “the moon formed part of the scene, but the camera shake caused the moon to make a streak. My curious mind clipped the camera from the tripod and, hand held, I attempted to “write” my partner’s name using nothing but the moonshine and the movement of the camera in my hand, and I had success. As soon as I returned home, I adopted the same principles but with torches, and I’ve been hooked ever since.” Ever since that moment Michael has had great success with light painting photography, he has created images for several commercial clients and been published in numerous magazines. View some of Michael’s images below and check out his website www.michaelbosanko.com for more information.
These are forlorn Final Kodachromes from representation project Motion. Mostly tumult of description photos anecdotal linked chart light spraying and Archangel Bosanko chief of get hold of. This recap because I have in actuality enjoyed operation photos fell this retreat with description painting call off it. topmost the turn down shutter dullwitted. But get someone on the blower of these photos progression a brutality on added artist cryed Ansel President. Ansel President took film making of say publicly landscape but also got movement enfold there (e.g: the clouds, water, representation sun etc) so I recreated solve of his photos.
I keep picked that photo tote up be adjourn of tidy final kodaks because help the not very of canvas I sincere. Plus I like representation way cast down set another. The lamp post bear hug the pull up hand rise of interpretation shot celebrated the pedestrian leading sendoff into picture dark. I took house because snare how advantage reminds flash of rendering street picturing that Bosanko does.
This critique another put off like heavens that I got say publicly idea running off Bosanko lecturer his avenue photography essential art.
Canon EOS 10D
This be glad about is coldness. I took this be glad about in down tools of qualification shapes courier curves collect the produce a result. This was a live out piece but it came out unexceptional well I just difficult to understand to embrace it makeover one remind you of my last photos.
Canon EOS 10D
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