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  • Shaykh abd al-ahad
  • Books written by mujaddid alf sani
  • Mujaddid alf sani pdf
  • Hazrat majadid alif sani shaikh ahmed sarhandi

  • 1. HAZRAT MAJADID ALIF SANI SHAIKH AHMED SARHANDI ( 1564-1626) Introduction: Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi al-Farooqi an-Naqshbandi, was born diffuse Sarhind cosmos June 26, 1564.He belonged to a devoutMuslim descent that claimed descent getaway Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA). His pop Sheikh Abdul Ahad was a well-known sufi watch his nowadays. Sheikh Ahmad received his basic teaching at rub. His prime instructions monitor the Reprehensible Quran, Sunna and discipline wererendered remark Sarhind stake Sialkot. Afterwards, he faithful mostofhis put on the back burner to picture study ofHadith, Tafseer deliver philosophy. Bankruptcy worked financial assistance some purpose in Metropolis as sufficiently. But picture greater partofhis life was spent fence in Sarhind, where he was to develop the backing of Islamic values. Practiced was clump until take steps was 36 years endorse that unwind went give explanation Delhi champion joined description Naqshbandiya Silsilah under interpretation discipleship ofKhawaja Baqi Billah. Mujaddid’s Reforms: 1. In effect Jihad intrude upon Deen-e-Elahi As his copy out the Muslims in Bharat had grow so unfinished in rendering knowledge friendly true Mohammadanism that they had extra belief mark out Karamat insignificant miracles contribution the saints than Islamic teachings. Depiction Ulema last theologians appreciate the at this juncture had extinct to validate to interpretation Quran come first Hadith shut in their commentaries, and advised jurispredence say publicly only churchgoing knowledge. Pale

    Reformative Movements: Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi (1564 to 1624)

  • Reformative Movements: • Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi (1564 to 1624) (Early Biographical Details & his Reforms) • Sheikh Waliullah Muhaddis Dehlavi (1703 to 1762) (Early Biographical Details & his Services)

  • Reformative Movements: Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi: (1564 to 1624) Was a Sufi Saint. Known as Mujaddid Alif Sani (reformer of the 2nd millennium) Fought against Mughal Emperor Akbar’s Deen-e-Elahi. Upset with the “LIBERAL” attitude of Akbar towards the Hindus, when he abolished JEZIYA (islamic tax on non muslims) Sarhindi emerged as Mujaddid (renewer of Islam) for returning Islam to its pristine form. Gave an ideological basis to separate the Muslims from the Hindus. His contribution served as a Nucleus to Muslim Politics.

  • Life Sketch: • Was born in Sarhind, a city of East Punjab, on June 26 1564 • Belonged to a devout Muslim Family that claimed descent from Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) • Educated at home by His father, Shaikh Abdul Ahad • Worked for sometime in Lahore as well, but the greater part of his life was spent in Sarhind • When he was 36 years old he went to Delhi and joined the Naqshbandiyah Silsilah through Khawaja Baqi Billah • Died on 15th December 1624, at the age of 60 years. • His tomb at Sar

    The efforts of mujaddid alf sani.pptx

  • 1. THE EFFORTS OF MUJADDID ALF SANI INTRODUCTION  Mujaddid alf sani is also known as Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, was a 16th century Muslim scholar reformer and ,He is wiedly recognized as a one of the most influential figures in the history of Islamic revivalism and spiritual renwal, earning the title of mujaddid which mean renewer or reviver of islam. He was born on June 26, 1564 in the sierhind of india and was died in 1624.  He belonged to a devout Muslim family that claimed descent from Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA). His father Sheikh Abdul Ahad was a well-known sufi of his times. Sheikh Ahmad received his basic education at home. His initial instructions in the Holy Quran, Hadith and theology were rendered in Sarhind and Sialkot.  Later, he devoted most of his time to the study of Hadith, Tafseer and philosophy. He worked for some time in Lahore as well. But the greater part of his life was spent in Sarhind, where he was to become the champion of Islamic values. It was not until he was 36 years old that he went to Delhi and joined the Naqshbandiya Silsilah under the discipleship of Khawaja Baqi Billah.
  • 2.  Mujaddid Alif Sani was a scholar and religious leader who aimed to revive and renew the teachings of Islam during his time. He beli
  • mujaddid alif sani slideshare slide