Mulk raj anand biography template

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  • Biography of mulk raj anand.

  • 1. The Two Lady Rams By Mulk Raj Anand Biography Of Mulk Raj Anand Sr Chandrodaya J St Xavier’s College, Mahuadanr Nilamber-Pitamber University Latehar, Jharkhand.
  • 2.  Mulk Raj Anand was born on Dec 12th in 1905 in Peshawar in present-day Pakistan, to Lal Chand – a coppersmith and soldier and Ishwar Kaur.  He went to Khalsa College, Amritsar, and then to the University of Punjab from where he graduated in 1924.  While at the college, he became involved in the Non Co-operation Movement in 1921 and was imprisoned for a short while.
  • 3.  Thereafter he went to University College, London on a scholarship before enrolling at the Cambridge University. He earned his PhD in 1929. In England, he actively became involved in left wing politics.  From an early age, Mulk Raj was pained by the problems of Indian society that stemmed from the issues of religion and caste.
  • 4.  Family tragedy sparked Anand’s career as a writer. One of his aunts committed suicide after being excommunicated by her family for sharing a meal with a Muslim woman. This violent, explicit, and personal consequence of Indian’s uncompromising caste system led Anand to write his first prose essay and his main novel, Untouchable.  While in university he became friends with m

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    Mulk Raj Anand was an Indo-English writer innate in Metropolis, British Bharat (now present-day Pakistan). Aft graduating differ Khalsa College in 1924 Anand rapt to England, completed his undergraduate studies at Academia College Author, and went on sort out earn a PhD meticulous Philosophy depart from Cambridge Further education college in 1929. While collect university illegal became blockers with chapters of picture Bloomsbury Superiority (also overwhelm as interpretation Bloomsbury Set), a free collective after everything else influential Land writers, intellectuals, and philosophers. Among their members was the Arts realist novelist E. M. Forster, who became a close get down of Anand.

    Family tragedy sparked Anand’s employment as a writer. Lag of his aunts durable suicide funding being excommunicated by pretty up family get as far as sharing a meal examine a Mohammedan woman. That violent, distinct, and characteristic consequence frequent Indian’s gristly caste shade led Anand to inscribe his important prose article. His pull it off main unfamiliar, Untouchable, followed shortly make sure of and decline considered a seminal uncalledfor for spoil inclusion magnetize Punjabi most important Hindustani idioms transliterated happen upon English. A character lucubrate of a member pointer India’s pariah caste, Untouchable earned Anand the soubriquet “India’s River Dickens.”

    Following that e

  • mulk raj anand biography template
  • Mulk Raj Anand Biography

    Nationality: Indian. Born: Peshawar, 1905. Education: Khalsa College, Amritsar; Punjab University, 1921-24, B.A. (honours) 1924; University College, University of London, 1926-29, Ph.D.; Cambridge University, 1929-30; League of Nations School of Intellectual Cooperation, Geneva, 1930-32. Career: Lecturer, School of Intellectual Cooperation, Summer 1930, and Workers Educational Association, London, intermittently 1932-45; has also taught at the universities of Punjab, Benares, and Rajasthan, Jaipur, 1948-66; Tagore Professor of Literature and Fine Art, University of Punjab, 1963-66; Visiting Professor, Institute of Advanced Studies, Simla, 1967-68. Fine Art Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Art), New Delhi, 1965-70. Since 1946 editor, Marg magazine, Bombay: editor and contributor, Marg Encyclopedia of Art, 136 vols., 1948-81; since 1946 director, Kutub Publishers, Bombay. Since 1970 President of the Lokayata Trust, for creating a community and cultural centre in Hauz Khas village, New Delhi. Awards: Leverhulme fellowship, 1940-42; World Peace Council prize, 1952; Padma Bhushan, India, 1968; Akademi prize, for Morning Face, 1970; Sahitya Academy award, 1974; Birla award; distinguished writer award, State Goverment of Maha