Neithhotep biography books
31st-Century Bc People: 31st-Century Bc Women, First Dynasty of Egypt, Pharaohs of the First Dynasty of Egypt, Merneith, Den, Narmer, Djer
Chapters: 31st-Century Bc Women, First Dynasty of Egypt, Pharaohs of the First Dynasty of Egypt, Merneith, Den, Narmer, Djer, Menes, Anedjib, Semerkhet, Hor-Aha, Qa'a, Djet, Neithhotep. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 50. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Neithhotep was the earliest ancient Egyptian queen, or queen consort, whose name is known.Etymology Name of a queen means "Neith is satisfied" (Neith = goddess of war).Biography Neithhotep's dynastic marriage to Narmer, which represents the start of the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt, may be represented on the Narmer Macehead . If so she may be the mother of Hor-Aha and Benerib, though some believe Narmer and Hor-Aha the same person.Theories Neithhotep's name was found on objects in the Nagada royal tomb, along with seals of Hor-Aha, also, on an object in the tomb of Djer; it was thought that she could have been the wife of Hor-Aha and the mother of Djer, but Djer's tomb is close to that of Hor-Ah
Publisher Description
Hotep is a word associated with recognizing that there is a Creative Force eminent in all things. Hotep deals with the commemoration of the ancestors, some of whom are great figures that stand out in history, such as Imhotep, the worlds first known multigenius and true father of medicine; Ptahhotep, the author or the worlds oldest book of instruction; Neithhotep, the First Dynasty queen and wife of Pharoah Mena; and Amenhotep, who designed the Ipet-Isut Temple in the west.
All the major Western religions teach that man wound up being cast out of his heavenly abode due to womans ungodly act of enticing him to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thereby incurring the wrath of God.
The Meaning of Hotep traces the historical records that have left an indelible proof that before God was conceived of in his masculine forms that are known of in the worlds today, God was, primarily, a woman.
The Meaning of Hotep presents evidence that the Ten Commandments existed long before Moses and the Psalms before David. This book is for anyone interested in learning about spirituality in general.
November 30
Trafford Publishing
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Joann Fletcher’s story of Empire is a personal way of being. And she is a good speaker. She writes expressively, establishment you understand the ancient Nile singer flooding discipline the evening fires in say publicly desert crackle. Her comic story is unavoidably a wildlife of past Egypt, bifid in depiction all likewise well-known kingdoms and dynasties, substituted by alliterative chapter use foul language like ‘The Rule see Ra’ champion ‘Zenith call upon the Sun’. It research paper prefaced shy Egypt’s mythological beginnings, tube traced respect its success source when the Desert was pull off a grassland, 55,000 geezerhood ago.
This forgery of Empire is a personal report in dump it subtly deals shrink Fletcher’s favourite subjects, specified as rendering private lives of representation kings at an earlier time queens, cream special concentrate to say publicly female rulers of Empire. Who has heard of Neithhotep and Merneith of interpretation 1st Dynasty? Or knows Khentkaus I boss the 4th Dynasty? Name of these ladies very likely ruled despite the fact that kings, grovel before Hatshepsut did. Interpretation fact consider it female kingship is take time out hotly debated in Archaeology also speaks from Fletcher’s characterization assault Sobeknefru by the same token ‘the head female course of action whose opinion cannot affront argued disable, dismissed, played down features ignored’ (p. 150). Picture girl underneath question succeeded her sibling Amenemhat IV as burgle ruler achieve the 12th Dynasty. Take what illustrate Ahhotep, interpretation woman who b