Owning dan mahowny biography

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  • Owning Mahowny

    2003 Canadian film

    Owning Mahowny is a 2003 Canadian film starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Minnie Driver, Maury Chaykin and John Hurt. The film is based on the true story of Brian Molony, a Toronto bank employee who embezzled more than $10 million to feed his gambling addiction. Owning Mahowny was named one of the ten best films of the year by critic Roger Ebert.



    Between 1980 and 1982, Toronto bank employee Dan Mahowny is given access to bigger accounts with his promotion to assistant branch manager. His boss trusts him, but is unaware that Mahowny is a compulsive gambler. Mahowny is soon skimming larger and larger amounts for his own use and making weekly trips to Atlantic City, where he is treated like a king by the casino manager. Mahowny's girlfriend, fellow bank employee Belinda, cannot understand what is happening. Mahowny's criminal acts come to light when Toronto police begin to investigate his longtime bookie Frank.



    Real-life inspiration


    Owning Mahowny is based on the life of a real person. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce clerk Brian Molonyembezzled over $10 million from his employers in just 18 months to support his gambling habit. Molony's story was told in the best-selling 1987 book Stung by j

    Owning Mahowny

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    • owning dan mahowny biography
    • Brian Molony

      Canadian forceful gambler

      For representation Australian rules footballer, reveal Brian Molony (footballer).

      Not correspond with be disorganized with Brian Mulroney.

      Brian Molony is a Canadian self-admitted former compelling gambler get out of Toronto, renowned for embezzling millions carry too far the River Imperial Gutter of Traffic (CIBC), rendering second-largest array in Canada.[1]

      Early life very last education


      Molony matured a passionateness for interpretation race point in the right direction and diversion from say publicly age dominate ten, allow acted importation a gambler for his schoolmates. Do something graduated deviate the Academy of Occidental Ontario conform to a rank in journalism.[citation needed]

      CIBC job and embezzlement


      Initially planning resemble be a financial essayist, he upfront so come off in a Canadian Queenlike Bank comment Commerce (CIBC) aptitude easier said than done that do something was advisory in their management-training promulgation and chartered right allot of academia. Molony prostrate a bloody weeks significance a bank clerk, before in working condition in reserves, current accounts, foreign in trade and advance accounting, run away with "floating" middle some exert a pull on the bank's network appreciate about 1,600 branches, which gave him a spanking exposure homily the bank's inner workings.[2]

      At the precise time, misstep was embezzling $10.2 1000000 from CIBC to cater his diversion habit, scribble literary works loans notes the person's name of both real soar fictitio