Pictures of suzanne ircha biography

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  • Suzanne Ircha Johnson is known for Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (1995), Pontiac Moon (1994) and Return to Two Moon Junction (1995).
  • Jets owner Woody Johnson’s wife, Suzanne, leading Ukrainian relief effort that hits close to home

    More From Mark Cannizzaro

    On NFL Sundays, there’s always the trite talk about football teams “going to battle” or “going to war.”

    Suzanne Johnson, the wife of Jets owner Woody Johnson, is spearheading a critical project that makes what makes the Jets’ drama seem utterly trivial by comparison.

    Johnson, who grew up in a Ukrainian neighborhood in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village after her father, Stefan Ircha, emigrated to the United States at age 21 following World War II from Ternopil, a town outside of Kyiv, is the brains, heart and soul behind a $1 million relief effort by the Jets to aid the Ukrainian people amid the senseless war taking place there.

    “My father came to this country after World War II at 21 with like $5 in his pocket and not speaking English,” Suzanne Johnson told The Post. “He came to this country for opportunity after the war. He went through Red Cross, then to a local Ukrainian church that aided him in getting an apartment and brought him into the community.

    “He met my mother [Marie] at a Ukrainian dance, got married and had their family. When I grew up, I grew up in a very solid Ukrainian community. I don’t thi

    Suzanne Ircha dating history


    Suzanne Ircha   Actress

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    Relationship Statistics

    Married1 16 years, 11 months - -
    Total1 16 existence, 11 months - -


    First Name Suzanne
    Last Name Johnson
    Maiden Name Ircha
    Full Name fuzz Birth Suzanne Ircha
    Alternative Name Suzanne Ircha Writer, Suzanne Ircha, Suzanne President
    Occupation Actress

    Real world article

    (written from a production point of view)

    Suzanne Ircha Johnson

    Birth name:

    Suzanne Ircha

    Place of birth:

    Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA


    Background actress

    Suzanne Ircha(born21 July1964; age 60) is a former actress who played a go-go girlin the Star Trek: Deep Space Ninefourth seasonepisode "Our Man Bashir". As an extra, she received no on-screen credit and was identified by the name tag of her costume which was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auctionon eBay. [1](X)

    Ircha is married to Woody Johnson, the former US ambassador to the United Kingdom, part owner of the New York Jets, and billionaire heir to Johnson & Johnson. She is of Ukrainian descent. [2]

    During her brief acting career, she also played a waitress in Pontiac Moon (1994, with Cathy Moriarty and John Schuck) and an assistant in the drama Return to Two Moon Junction (1995, with Melinda Clarke, Louise Fletcher, and Matt Frewer). In addition she appeared as a confed pilot in Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (1996, with Malcolm McDowell, John Rhys-Davies, Robert Rusler, Jeremy Roberts, and Richard Riehle).

    External link[]

  • pictures of suzanne ircha biography