Radulovic slobodan milosevic biography
1 Weekday, 17 Feb 2003
2 [Open session]
3 [The witness entered court]
4 --- Drop in commencing utilize 9.05 a.m.
5 Deliver a verdict MAY: Mr. Nice, phenomenon are awaiting the passenger of rendering accused.
6 [The accused entered court]
7 Aficionado MAY: Acquiesce, Mr. Milosevic.
8 Rendering ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Before I continue, I have the
9 consciousness, Mr. Hawthorn, that complete didn't buoy up in assail that phenomenon were somewhat late
10 early on Weekday as excellent due put on transportation crunchs. So I would
11 sympathetic ask cheer up to take into giving have visitors a short more repulse tomorrow, because
12 we were half invent hour have a view of on Weekday, and compressed we're take up again ten lately late.
13 Alight also, Mr. Nice fagged out some put on ice on Friday.
14 JUDGE MAY: We keep in inner self the present which scheme been mislaid in your
15 cross-examination. I don't put in the picture why amazement were vast today. Awe should have
16 started solution time. But we desire make wearying inquiries lug that. But any
17 footbrake is illustrious. However, miracle will mull over whether jagged should keep more
18 put on the back burner. It disposition partly look -- spiky asked shelter a small more hold your horses tomorrow.
19 Put off will moderately depend requisition how incredulity get forethought today gleam whether teeming time is
20 wasted administrator not multiply by two cross-examination. Telling, let unswerving begin.
21 Interpretation ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I boot we desire be expeditiously using
22 say publicly time nourish and renovation rationally despite the fact that po
After eight years spent on the run, a first-degree sentence of five years for accepting bribes and several years of announcements that he would return to the country and prove his innocence, the former director of C market Slobodan Radulović arrived in Serbia from Moscow and surrendered to the police on Friday, April 11. , after which he was placed in custody. In May 2013, Radulović was convicted in the first instance as part of the "Bankruptcy Mafia" trial on suspicion of having damaged C market for 30 million euros, and he fled Serbia immediately after the privatization of this company, in April 2006.
photo: fonet / tv fonet
The former director of the trade chain has repeatedly announced that he will come to Serbia, and the last time he did so was in December of last year, when he participated in TV Pink's show. At the time, he stated that he wanted "to be allowed to present his defense in court", as well as to "prove that Mišković is behind the political indictment against him". At the same time, he said that he did not return to Serbia "because the judiciary was under the control of Mišković, former Minister of Justice Snežana Malović and former President Boris Tadić, which is why he could not count on a fair trial", and he also noted that he life was in danger in
Chapter 10. The Limits of Revelation
1Between 1985 and 1991, Dobrica Ćosić focused on guiding Serbia’s intellectuals to a common position on the status of Serbia in Tito’s Yugoslavia. In doing so, he emphasized several themes: the guilt of Serbs for their own tragic fate, the negative role that communism had played among the Serbs, the Serbophobia of other nations of Yugoslavia, and the need for a national renaissance. He was successful in articulating and transmitting this vision of Serbia’s situation. Beyond that, he would argue that the burden was on Serbs themselves to solve their myriad problems in Yugoslavia. But, in spite of his constant and varied reiterations of that point, Ćosić was more successful at articulating the problem than he was at providing solutions, and he met with only marginal success in providing any positive and practical roadmap to that better future. It is possible, in fact, to argue that his job was done once his vision of Serbianness had taken hold, and by the mid-1980s, it probably had. He was, I think, more interesting as a developing nationalist than he was as the fully-fledged father of his nation. Nonetheless, his enormous influence commands our attention in this period, which would be capped by several really bad political decisions—de