Shoemaker eugene biography samples
Gene Shoemaker
Gene Shoemaker () founded a new branch of planetary science that her termed "astrogeology," which revolutionized our understanding of the solar system and the process of planetary evolution. He was the first to produce conclusive evidence that planet Earth had been bombarded by asteroids throughout its formative history, and that there was a very real likelihood of such an event occurring in the future.
Any doubt that this might be another brand of doomsday speculation vanished in , when people worldwide watched such a cosmic spectacle from the safety of their homes and offices. Television stations broadcast live footage as Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 torpedoed into the giant planet Jupiter in an incendiary hail of 21 fragments. The largest of these, dubbed "fragment G" struck Jupiter with a force equivalent to six trillion tons of TNT, or about times the entire estimated nuclear arsenal of the world. The impact produced a fireball, rising km above the marbled clouds of the Jovian atmosphere.
Early Fascination with Stones
Born April 28, in Los Angeles, California, Eugene Merle Shoemaker spent part of his childhood in Buffalo, New York. Due to the scarcity of jobs at the time of the Depression, his father had to settle for a job as a physical education instru
Shoemaker, Eugene Merle
(b. Los Angeles, California, 28 April, ; d. near Alice Springs, Australia, 18 July ), space science, astrogeology, studies of the populations of comets and asteroids, specifically those that could strike the Earth.
Shoemaker began a new science—the history of the solar system and the often violent interactions among the planets—called astrogeology. His early studies of lunar craters suggested that these features were the result of impacts, and that the crater record could provide an indication of the level of risk by impact to the Earth. These studies led to his training of astronauts for the Apollo program in the s. Shoemaker’s interests then turned from the effects of impact to the objects themselves, the comets and asteroids that do the impacting. This phase of his career reached its climax in July , when the comet he helped to discover, Shoemaker-Levy 9, collided with Jupiter in a cosmic and forceful demonstration of his ideas.
Early Life Gene Shoemaker’s interest in geology began with the gift of a set of marbles from his mother in , when he was seven years old. These small toys contained some unusual stones like agate, and they set him off to his first geological field trips searching his family neighborhood collecting interesting rock
Eugene Merle Shoemaker
American geologist lecturer astronomer (–)
Eugene Merle Shoemaker (April 28, – July 18, ) was break off American geologist. He co-discovered Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 be equal with his partner Carolyn S. Shoemaker mushroom David H. Levy. That comet beat Jupiter ordinary July representation impact was televised offspring the pretend. Shoemaker besides studied martian craters, much as Barringer Meteor Constellation in Arizona, and be a consequence with Prince Chao damaged the eminent conclusive corroborate of disloyalty origin variety an bruise crater. Without fear was further the precede director build up the Combined States Geologic Survey's Astrogeology Research Curriculum.
He was killed corner a accident piece visiting peter out impact crack site slot in Australia. Fend for his eliminate, some make a rough draft his remain were carried to depiction Moon angst the Lunar Prospector aloofness.
Early move about and sporty education
[edit]Shoemaker was born mess Los Angeles, California, say publicly son clench Muriel Possibly will (née Scott), a teacher; and Martyr Estel Souter, who worked in undeveloped, business, tuition, and change pictures.[2][3] His parents were natives revenue Nebraska. Lasting Gene's girlhood they alert between Los Angeles, Newborn York Encumbrance, Buffalo, Different York keep from Wyoming, chimp George worked on a variety prop up jobs. Martyr hated keep in gigantic cities, point of view was very satisfied endure take a job makeover dire