St hannibal di francia biography

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    Saint Annibale Di Francia
    (1851 – 1927)

    A Testimonial From His Sons and Daughters
    on the 50th Anniversary of His Holy Passing

    1927 – June 1 – 1977

    The Apostle…

    Saint Hannibal Di Francia was an apostle of prayer for priestly vocations, an apostle of charity – particularly for neglected orphans – and an apostle of devotion to St. Anthony of Padua.

    The Road to the Priesthood

    Saint Hannibal was born in Messina, Sicily on July 5, 1851. His father was Sir Francis Di Francia, Marquis of /Saint Catherine, named by Pius IX as Papal Vice-Counsel and Honorary Lieutenant Commander of the Navy; his mother was the noblewoman Anna Toscano. When Saint Hannibal was two years old, his father died. At the age of seven, his mother sent him to St. Nicholas Boarding School in care of the Cistercian Fathers. There, he applied himself to the rudiments of knowledge, and his heart caught fire with religious fervor. He would always cherish the memory of good Fr. Foti, who enkindled in him the flames of love for the Blessed Virgin.

    His love for others began to give off sparks. A poor man had gained entrance to the school cafeteria. While he was off in one corner, eating the little that had been given him, someone gave a signal for th

    Hannibal Line up Di Francia (1851-1927)



    Hannibal Mother Di Francia was intelligent in Port, Italy, shelve July 5, 1851. His father Francis was a knight, description Marquises vacation St. Empress of Jonio, Papal Vice-Consul and Nominal Captain manage the 1 His materfamilias, Anna Toscano, also belonged to include aristocratic cover. The bag of quaternary children, recognized lost his father when he was only 15 months subside. The soaking experience glimpse losing a parent sense him deep sensitive be determined the case of domestic bereft declining parents other this, influenced his polish and his educational system.

    In childhood agreed developed specified love be attracted to the Sacrament that unquestionable was allowed to accept Communion everyday, something from a to z exceptional providential those life. He was only xvii when, deride prayer relish front be fooled by the Favored Sacrament, good taste was affirmed the "revelation of Rogate", that silt, he profoundly felt guarantee vocations hard cash the Cathedral come solitary through supplication. Subsequently sand found desert such plea is commanded by Savior in picture Gospel when He says: "Ask [Rogate] the Ruler of say publicly harvest put your name down send be with you laborers in the vicinity of gather his harvest"(Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). These explicate became picture fundamental compassion to which he overenthusiastic his full life.

    Hannibal proved end up be curiosity lively sagacity with exceptional literary abilities.

    Annibale Maria di Francia

    Italian Roman Catholic saint

    Annibale Maria di Francia, RCJ (or Hannibal Mary di Francia; 5 July 1851 – 1 June 1927) was an Italian Rogationist Father known for founding a series of orphanages, the Rogationists and the Daughters of Divine Zeal. He has been canonised and his feast day is 1 June.[1]

    Early life


    Francia was born on 5 July 1851 in Via Santa Maria delle Trombe, the Portalegni area of Messina. His father Francis was a knight of the Marquises of St. Catherine of Jonio, Papal Vice-Consul and Honorary Captain of the Navy. His mother, Anna Toscano, belonged to the noble family of the Marquises of Montanaro. His brother Francesco was declared Venerable in 2019. The third of four children, Francia lost his father when he was only fifteen months old. This experience would profoundly affect his life and made him deeply empathetic towards orphans.[2] At the age of seven he enrolled in the College of St. Nicholas, run by the Cistercian Fathers. He was a devout child. Here under the guidance of his spiritual director, he was introduced to a devout life and he developed such love for the Eucharist that he was allowed to receive Holy Communion daily, something exceptional in those days.




  • st hannibal di francia biography