Suzue miuchi biography of mahatma
Evaluation of commercial ELISAkits for the detection of antibodies against bluetongue virus.
Niedbalski, W
The aim of this study was to estimate the diagnostic value of different commercially available ELISAkits for the detection of bluetongue virus (BTV) antibodies in infected and vaccinated animals. The relative specificity of ELISAkits was evaluated using a panel of sera originating from healthy cattle, never vaccinated nor exposed to BTV. All ELISAkits applied had a high relative specificity (99.3 - 100%). The relative sensitivity of ELISAkits assessed using a panel of sera collected from BTV infected cattle was also high and similar for all the kits (97.3 - 100%). However, the relative sensitivity evaluated on the basis of testing vaccinated animals was different: the highest sensitivity was found for Ingenasa, PrioCHECK and ID VET ELISAs (96.5 - 98.3%). Slightly lower sensitivity was calculated for Pourquier and LSI kits (82.8% and 85.4%, respectively) and much lower sensitivity was found for VMRD ELISAkit (69.5%). The repeatability of BTV ELISAkits was expressed as a coefficient of variation (CV) of results of sera tested 5 times in the same day and in different days by the period of 2 months, by the same person, in the same conditions, and by usi
Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale: Contemporary Adaptations across Cultures 2020931375, 9780814345351, 9780814345368, 9780814345375
Table of contents :
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part I. Disorienting Cultural Assumptions
1. Fairy Tales in Site: Wonders of Disorientation, Challenges of Re-Orientation
2. Mo‘olelo Kamaha‘o 2.0: The Art and Politics of the Modern Hawaiian Wonder Tale
3. Re-Orienting China and America: Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China and Its TV Adaptation
4. Monstrous Marionette: The Tale of a Japanese Doll by Angela Carter
Part II. Exploring New Uses
5. Japanese Heroine Tales and the Significance of Storytelling in Contemporary Society
6. Who’s Afraid of Derrida & Co.? Modern Theory Meets Three Little Pigs in the Classroom
7. Adults Reclaiming Fairy Tales through Cinema: Popular Fairy-Tale Movie Adaptations from the Past Decade
8. Trespassing the Boundaries of Fairy Tales: Pablo Berger’s Silent Film Snow White
Part III. Promoting Alternative Ethics and Aesthetics
9. Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale, Revising Age?
10. Re-Orienting Fairy-Tale Childhood: Child Protagonists as Critical Signifiers of Fairy-Tale Tropes in Transnational Contemporary Cinema
11. Alice on the Edge: Girls’ Culture and “Western” Fai