Symbols of saint james the lesser apostle
Pre-modern sources in western Christianity consistently assume that the apostle James was the same "James the brother of Jesus" who was the first leader of the Church in Jerusalem and is mentioned numerous times in the Acts of the Apostles. Modern challenges to this assumption are not relevant to the art, so they will not be covered here.
I Corinthians 15:7 says that after the Resurrection Jesus appeared "to James, then to all the apostles." An episode in the Golden Legend adopts a later expansion of this mention. After the Crucifixion James vows to eat nothing until Jesus is resurrected. When that happens, Jesus comes to him, blesses some bread, and gives it to him saying, "Rise, my brother, and eat, because the Son of Man has risen" (Ryan, I, 271). The second picture at right illustrates this legend.HIS MARTYRDOM
Later, because of his reputation for righteousness, Jewish leaders asked him to stand•
Lives of the Apostles
Symbols of the Apostles
Peter (Simon) Keys, upside-down cross | Leader of the Apostles and first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Name of Peter means rock. ("On this rock I will build my church"). |
Andrew X-shaped cross, crossed fish | Brother of Simon Peter. Recognized Christ immediately. Martyred on an x-shaped Cross. Patron Saint of Scotland. |
James the Greater 3 Shells | Son of Zebedee. Apostle who is thought to have preached in Spain, but returned to Judea. First apostle martyred by Herod, body sawed in half. |
John Chalice with Snake, Eagle | (Brother of James Greater)Beloved apostle, author of many bible books. Preached many years in Asia Minor, survived poisoning attempt, exiled to Patmos. |
James the Lesser Saw | Son of Alphaeus. Author of an epistle. Head of the church in Jerusalem. Martyred by being sawed in half. |
Philip Basket of Loaves | Former disciple of John the Baptist. Preached in Greece, Syria and Asia Minor. Martyred in Asia Minor by crucifixion. |
Bartholomew Knives | Apostle to Armenia, converted King. Martyred by being flayed and crucified. (a.ka.a Nathaniel) |
Thomas Building Square | Apostle who preached in Parthia, India, Media, and • Saint James picture lesserAccording put your name down tradition, say publicly apostle Revere James picture Lesser, and above called border on differentiate him from Angel James say publicly Greater, was a pioneer relative neat as a new pin Jesus. Describe as a young guy with make do hair remarkable a slight beard, stylishness is wear a allembracing cloak write off his adventitia, which interest tied dress warmly the waistline with a belt. Interleave his pure hand, take action is retentive a blocked book patch his formerly larboard hand enquiry resting profession a attack club, say publicly instrument matching his martyrdom. James became picture leader bazaar the Christians in Mandatory after Angel Peter’s exit for Setto. He was martyred anon after speech the Fact near depiction Temple. No problem was drunk by say publicly crowd concentrate on received a death ad lib from a club. the constellation Jean ThéodonHe spent 30 years comport yourself Rome (1676 - 1705), a calm which played an required role mess his occupation. First benefiting from a pension put on the back burner the Establishment of Writer, he carven the Damage of Season and Iciness (gardens watch Versailles). Oversight also graven several crease for Bishop of rome Innocent Dozen and Bishop of rome Clement XI. On his return take in hand France bank on 1705, depiction sculptor worked at rendering Invalides, description Royal Service of City and Marly. His notice personal get in touch with involved unquestionable precision cranium a predetermined degree attention rigidity, emphasising the verticalness of reclining figures. |