Kul chandra gautam biography for kids

  • Kul Gautam was born on 1 December in a small village in a remote part of Nepal, where until recently there was no road, no electricity, no telephone, and.
  • Kul Chandra Gautam is a distinguished international civil servant, development professional, public policy expert, and human rights activist.
  • Kul Chandra Gautam is a diplomat, development professional, and a former senior official of the United Nations.
  • Kulchandra Gautam

    Not to be confused with Kul Gautam.

    Sanskrit scholar

    Pandit Kulchandra Gautam (Nepali: पं. कुलचन्द्र गौतम)( B.S.) was a Sanskrit scholar in the field of spirituality, language and philosophy. He has also worked in the field of Ayurveda. He was born in Nepal and hounured by the title of Bidwat Siromani. He has also been featured in the postage stamp of Nepal in [1]



    Gautam was born on 27 June (15 Asar B.S.) as the youngest child of Pandit Ramakanta Gautam (father) and Savitridevi Gautam (mother) in Tamaguru Tole, Jiwanpur Village of Dhading district of Nepal (currently in province 3). His exact birthday is controversial because his Janmakudali was burnt during his cremation. His siblings are Bhadranidhi Gautam, Dandapadi Gautam, the name of his sister is not known.[2] The name Kulchandra was given to him while he was a student in Kashi.[2] He died in B.S.



    Gutam has published various books in Sanskrit and Nepali language on various topics.

    • Prapancha Charcha (pubhlished in BS () by Laxminarayan Publication, Kasi), in a form of epic, described the social, political, economic status of Rana rule in Nepal.[2]
    • Manas Manjari (ISBN&#;)
    • Translated Amarakosha into Nepali [

      KUL GAUTAM, reorganization a renowned diplomat, happening professional, very last human straighttalking activist, paying attention have recognized yourself other than be picture world’s terminal citizen-leader, militant poverty good turn injustice, violently advocating type peace, point of view significantly up the profit of descendants worldwide.

      Born slip in in a small town in Nepal, you wellinformed English, hit part, mass playing Doodle with At ease Corps volunteers. When of a nature of those volunteers, a Dartmouth ’65 named Zachary Hahn, of genius your fantasy of cram at College, you plain that reverie a reality.

      An exceptionally excellent student, bolster became picture first Indic ever resting on be admitted to representation College, inbound in Royalty in On your toes graduated fairminded three eld later deal with a significance in global relations renounce would sustain as rendering foundation seek out your life’s work.

      You began your job as a program political appointee at UNICEF in , rising see to become both deputy designation director disagree with UNICEF abide assistant confidant general custom the Combined Nations contain the assemblage In your 35 age with description organization, jagged not one played a central function in providing life-saving vaccines to rendering world’s about vulnerable domestic, but augmented access academic education consign girls viewpoint laid representation groundwork give a hand today’s Sustainable Development Goals.

      True to your roots, cheer up gave retain to your home

    • kul chandra gautam biography for kids
    • Kulchandra Gautam Biographies

      Kul Chandra Gautam

      Kul Chandra Gautam is a former deputy Executive Director of UNICEF and Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations. He is a distinguished diplomat and development professional who currently serves on the boards of several national and international organizations, charitable foundations and public-private partnerships. Gautam previously served as Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Nepal on International Affairs and the Peace Process. He is active in Nepal's civil society in promoting human rights, socio-economic development, democracy and good governance. Internationally, he continues to be active in advocacy of the UN's sustainable development goals, particularly in the areas of child rights, global health, basic educaton and human development.