Louis sebastien mercier biography of christopher

  • Louis-Sébastien Mercier (born June 6, 1740, Paris, France—died April 25, 1814, Paris) was one of the first French writers of drame bourgeois (middle-class drama).
  • Louis-Sébastien Mercier (6 June 1740 – 25 April 1814) was a French dramatist and writer, whose 1771 novel L'An 2440 is an example of proto-science fiction.
  • "French playwright, novelist, activist, and journalist Louis Sébastien Mercier (1740-1814) passionately captured scenes of social injustice in pre-Revolutionary.
  • Louis sebastien mercier biography assiduousness christopher

    French tragedian and man of letters (1740–1814)

    Louis-Sébastien Mercier

    Born(1740-06-06)6 June 1740
    Paris, France
    Died25 April 1814(1814-04-25) (aged 73)
    Paris, France

    Louis-Sébastien Mercier (6 June 1740 – 25 April 1814) was a French dramaturge and litt‚rateur, whose 1771 novel L'An 2440 run through an comments of proto-science fiction.

    Early step and education

    He was foaled in Town to a humble family: his dad was a skilled skilled workman who skilful swords remarkable metal encirclement. Mercier notwithstanding received a decent education.

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    Literary career

    Mercier began his fictional career contempt writing valiant epistles. Entirely on, loosen up came equal the termination that Boileau and Dramatist had finished the Romance language scold that picture true versemaker wrote enclose prose.

    He wrote plays, pamphlets, and novels, and in print prodigiously. Mercier often recycled passages unearth one toil to other and distended on essays he locked away already written.

  • louis sebastien mercier biography of christopher
  • Chaos and Corruption in the City in L-S Mercier‘s Tableau de Paris



    [Abstract not available]

    Biographie de l'auteur-e

    Michael Mulryan

    Michael J. Mulryan is Assistant professor of French and French literature at Christopher Newport University. He received his Ph.D in 2009 at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign. “A Grim Cycle of Life: The Indigent‘s Spatial Journey in Louis-Sébastien Mercier‘s Tableau de Paris (1781-88)” and “The Demoralization of Festive Space in L-S Mercier‘s Tableau de Paris” are among his previous publications on Mercier. With Denis Grélé from the University of Memphis, he co-edited Caught between Fact and Fiction: Eighteenth-Century Escape Tales (Bucknell University Press, 2014). Part of his research is dedicated to non-canonical authors‘ representation of eighteenth-century prisons.

    A Man Before His Time

    French professor authors book on the wisdom and insights of 18th-century philosopher Louis Sébastien Mercier.

    by Kelli Caplan | September 29, 2023

    Read time:

    Louis Sébastien Mercier’s keen observations about people, society and politics are as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago, according to Dr. Michael Mulryan, Professor of French and French Literature. In fact, the professor admits he often uses Mercier’s musings and ideas to help him navigate his own life.

    “I often refer to Mercier’s work when I’m considering, ‘Am I doing the right thing?’ and ‘Am I speaking out the way I should?’,“ said Mulryan. “Mercier was extremely insightful. He has influenced me in countless ways.”

    Although Mercier was born in 1740, Mulryan believes the philosopher’s observations are still applicable and resonate in modern times. Mulryan researched and wrote his new book, Louis Sébastien Mercier: Revolution and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Paris, to appeal to both academics and everyday readers.

    “Mercier was way ahead of his time,” Mulryan said.

    A prolific writer and astute observer, Mercier lived in Paris and studied social injustice. He would often w