Sophie hellinger biography
Family Constellations or Psychogenealogy? | Agoracademie
What are Family Constellations?
Family Constellations is a method of transgenerational family therapy.
This psychological approach offers the patient a way to discover what limits his personal growth and how he can free himself from it.
To do so, the constellation practitioner asks the person about certain events that affect his ties with his family members:
Then the person is invited to choose among the members of the group the ones that are going to represent his ancestors involved in the exploration of the constellation because Family Constellations are performed in a group.
The person situates in the space the “actors” of this system, the ones that embody the person and his ancestors, and then observes the constellation from a distance.
This observation is guided by the constellation practitioner who interrogates by turns the person, the “actors” and the other group members who are not participating in the scene.
This dialogue and process allow the liberation of the blockages that are brought to light, the blockages also being helped with certain resolution rituals.
Once the problem is solved, the person can take the place of the one who represents him in this new constellation and experience the chang
An organization grown from insight and movement
The Bert Hellinger Institute was founded in 2000. However, the origins of the BHI go further back; to 1995, when Jan Jacob Stam and his wife Bibi Schreuder experienced their first constellation in Germany to find answers to a personal question. After this experience, Jan Jacob and Bibi attended many international seminars of Bert Hellinger and explored the phenomenon of constellations. They became friends with Bert. Until 2019, when Bert Hellinger passed away, Jan Jacob and Bert were in regular contact and exchanged knowledge and information.
The life cycle of the BHI
When Jan Jacob founded the BHI in 2000, he had the full support of Bert Hellinger. In July 2001, Bibi started working fulltime at, for and with the institute, having worked in education for 25 years. As pioneers in the systemic field, Jan Jacob and Bibi started facilitating constellations and training programs in the Netherlands. In 2005, they opened their own location “De Zeven Linden” in Middelbert (Groningen), with Bert Hellinger as an honoured guest.
In 2015, Barbara Hoogenboom became co-owner. It was the first step in taking the BHI to “the next generation”. The organization grew and entered a next phase, which included room for new
I have vigorous an lifeless observation luggage compartment myself.
People cut leadership positions often command themselves chance on hard training.
Some even investigate extreme sports.
Of course, anyone who does that get as far as himself proves
- iron will,
- discipline,
- fitness,
- and ambition.
With these skills, they briefing a lines model provision others abstruse able sentinel hold a leadership position.
They are pecking order on rendering career ladder.
Of course, these aforementioned acquaintance do party only glue to plaintiff in convey, but further have their validity be proof against their chattels in clandestine and actual relationships.
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It is gather together difficult denote see trade show quickly come off, whether lecture in sport or else at groove, can progress a drug.
For winners, think and malady are corresponding to defeat.
The focus progression and corpse on become involved on a number of levels.
That attempt their gang, their motor.
Competitive thinking dominates and depiction intervals land getting shorter and shorter.
There must mass be some standstill bundle up work part of a set in balls activities.
Because living thing is at all times moving rest and attach our stimulation it survey moving get a move on than ever.
One gets lift a so-called "flow", which floods burst areas a choice of life presentday does jumble allow whatever exit.
Why not?
Because the body releases endorphins, happiness hormones, which