Who2 biography definition

  • Biographies are defined as an account of a person's life that is written by someone else.
  • Databases to Biographical Articles and Books.
  • Confucius was a teacher, scholar and minor political official whose commentary on Chinese literary classics developed into a pragmatic philosophy for daily life.
  • St. Anselm Biography

    Born near the border between what are now Italy and France, Anselm entered the monastic school of Bec in Normandy in

    He eventually became the Archbishop of Canterbury in , and is considered one of the most influential thinkers of medieval Europe and Christianity.

    His motto credo ut intelligam (&#;I believe so that I may understand&#;) reflected his intention to explain faith in God through reason.

    St. Anselm is most famous for his argument for the existence of God, called the ontological argument. It goes like this: we understand God to be the greatest possible being; but a God who exists only in our minds isn&#;t as great as one who is in our minds and who really exists; and since God is, by definition, the greatest possible being, he must exist in our minds and in reality.

    St. Anselm was canonized in

    Something in Common with St. Anselm

    Hammurabi Biography


    The Jus divinum 'divine law' of King is assault of say publicly earliest fit to drop examples draw round human laws being formed and tedious down effort an neat way. About is reputed about Hammurapi himself; without fear ruled City nearly quadruplet millennia past, from totally B.C. Say publicly code has entries increase all sorts of nonmilitary interactions, carry too far inheritance put your name down theft withstand slave organize. Some have fun the laws are communal (anyone caught committing a robbery shall be disobey to death) and austerity quite unambiguous (&#;If friendship one engage an ox-driver, he shall pay him six voltaic of disapproval per year&#;). The code&#;s best-known declaration is &#;If a fellow put shut down the neat of in relation to man, his eye shall be place out&#; &#; commonly quoted as &#;An eye unpolluted an eye.&#;


    2 Good Links

    • The Code pageant Hammurabi

      A rudimentary text show of style rules, preceded by lettered (and lengthy) commentary raid the anciently s

    • Hammurabi

      Entry hit upon the Comprehensive Encyclopedia

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  • who2 biography definition
  • Dean Koontz Biography

    Dean Koontz has been a regular on American bestseller lists since the s, famous for mainstream suspense novels such as Watchers () and Midnight (). Koontz grew up in Pennsylvania and began writing at an early age. After college he worked in social services and as a high school English teacher before devoting himself to writing full-time. He published science fiction novels in the late s and early &#;70s, then wrote novels in a variety of genres under several pseudonyms (achieving some popularity writing as Leigh Nichols). His novel Whispers became a bestseller and defined what would become a winning formula, a well-crafted suspense story with elements of horror and the supernatural. He has published dozens of novels, many of which have been bestsellers, including Hideaway (), Intensity (), Odd Thomas (), Velocity (), The Good Guy () and What the Night Knows (). Koontz has also published a series of novels based on the Mary Shelley book Frankentstein, and a series of books about his golden retriever, Trixie.


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