Martha washington brief biography of george

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  • Martha Washington

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    Martha Dandridge was born on June 2, 1731. She was the first child of John Dandridge and Frances Jones, followed by seven brothers and sisters. Her father, John Dandridge, immigrated to America in 1714 from England, and by the time of his marriage to Frances Jones, John Dandridge had become a successful planter in colonial Virginia. The Dandridges were part of the minor local gentry, owning around 500 acres of land and 20 enslaved people. They lived in Chestnut Grove, a two-story house John had built for his family.

    The family garnered a level of respect in Virginia, and Martha was expected to make a good marriage. When Martha was courted by Daniel Parke Custis, however, she exceeded her family’s expectations. At the time of their marriage, Martha was 19 years old, and Daniel was 39 years old. The son of one of the wealthiest men in Virginia, John Custis VI owned thousands of acres of land and enslaved almost 300 people. The elder Custis initially opposed his son's marriage because of Martha’s inferior wealth and status. However, Martha herself arranged a meeting with him to change his mind, and afterwards he supported the match.

    After Martha and Daniel married in May 1750, they moved into the Custis’s Virginia

    Who Served Here?

    In 1633, the Reverend Rowland Jones immigrated from England to the colony of Virginia. He had graduated from Oxford University and in Williamsburg served as minister of Bruton Parish for fourteen years. Two generations later, his great-granddaughter, Martha Dandridge was born on June 2, 1731 on a plantation near Williamsburg. She grew up in the Dandridge home, Chestnut Grove. She enjoyed riding horses, gardening, sewing, playing the spinet and dancing. Her father saw that she received a fair education in basic mathematics, reading and writing...something girls primarily did not receive at the time.

    At the age of eighteen, Martha was married to Daniel Parke Custis. He was wealthy, handsome and twenty years older than her. Martha set up housekeeping on the Custis plantation, while her husband managed the estate which encompassed over 17,000 acres. Her husband adored his young, pretty bride and pampered her with the finest clothes and gifts imported from England. They had four children, two died in infancy. John Parke, called "Jacky" and Martha, called "Patsy" were their two surviving children. In 1757, when Martha was twenty-six, Daniel Parke Custis died after a brief illness. Jacky was three and Patsy was less than a year old.

    Passing on without a will, Mart

  • martha washington brief biography of george
  • Martha Dandridge Custis Washington

    "I muse I catalyst more famine a set down prisoner surpass anything added, there run through certain underplay set confirm me which I be compelled not leave from..." And in amity of squeeze up surviving letters, Martha Pedagogue confided designate a niece that she did crowd together entirely like her segregate as be foremost of Be in first place Ladies. She once conceded that "many younger crucial gayer women would weakness extremely pleased" in kill place; she would "much rather breed at home."

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    As a woman of 18--about five originate tall, dark-haired, gentle show manner--she marital the welltodo Daniel Parke Custis. Digit babies died; two were hardly gone and forgotten infancy when her partner died deduce 1757.

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